Wednesday, 3 August 2011


The reason I used this mouthwash its because I was suffering from cough and phlegm and it was very hard for me to breathe so my MD's client recommended me this product.

I just needed to rinse my mouth with this mouthwash twice a day, once when I wake up before I eat anything and another before I go to bed after I do everything. She particularly suggested this product for me to use. She told me that I was also suffering from allergies that is why it was very hard for me to breathe. Sure enough I did use this product and I felt real better. This mouthwash is a bit pricey as compared to other mouthwashes in the market but I could say that it is very effective if you are suffering from mouth infections or just needed quick relief from sore throat and to solve your phlegm problems if you have a hard time breathing. I opt to use this particular mouthwash during these instances because a regular mouthwash just won’t cut it. It has a nice minty flavor but it is quite stronger than other mouthwashes. I prefer to use this than lozenges because the doctor also advised that this mouthwash is more effective than if I take a lozenge.
This product is highly recommended.

Available on all leading drugstore and supermarket nationwide

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